Spring clean your data: Declutter and secure your business information

Ever-growing volumes of data is a challenge every business has to contend with in the modern era. From customer information to financial records and operational documents, you’re likely having to generate and store terabytes of data every day. Managing and tracking this data effectively is crucial for maintaining security, compliance, and operational efficiency.

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Greener IT: Sustainable practices to reduce your business’s carbon footprint

Green IT and sustainable business practices are top priority these days, and for good reason: the climate crisis threatens everyone, and overspending on energy while running unsustainable operations is just bad for business. By transitioning to more environmentally friendly business practices and energy-efficient IT, you can not only help our planet, but also preserve capital […]

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6 Common disaster recovery myths every business should know

Cyberattacks, system failures, and natural disasters have become a common occurrence, and they’re becoming increasingly more disruptive as businesses continue to digitize their operations. Having a disaster recovery plan is the best defense against these risks, but a shocking number of businesses are misinformed about what it takes to effectively recover from a disaster.

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VoIP integration with CRM: Enhancing customer interactions

Integrating Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology with customer relationship management (CRM) solutions presents a powerful opportunity for you to enhance customer interactions, streamline communication processes, and drive business growth. After all, even with the dominance of texting and chatbots, many people still just want to speak to a person, especially when experiencing an IT […]

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Work smarter, not harder: Practical tips for increased staff efficiency

Feeling like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? This guide provides practical tips and strategies you can implement to empower your team to work smarter, not harder. By implementing these actionable strategies, you can increase productivity and achieve greater results, allowing you to focus on what matters most — growing your business.

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5 Proven techniques to boost your team’s efficiency

Keeping pace with today’s business landscape demands a hyper-efficient team. Optimizing team productivity isn’t therefore just nice to have: it’s a game-changer. But how do you jump-start your team’s efficiency? This guide has you covered, offering five tried-and-tested techniques that will propel your team toward peak performance.

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How to save on your IT expenses in 2024

Optimizing your IT budget involves careful planning, preparation, and the right financial strategy, ensuring you get the best bang for your buck with new tools and investments. We break down the best ways of saving on your tech expenses for the new year, without having to skimp on efficiency or quality.

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Pay attention to these technology trends in 2024

2024 is a year poised for groundbreaking IT advancements, redefining the ways in which we live, work, and interact with the world. In this article, we break down the biggest trends to keep watch for in the new year, helping your business stay ahead of the curve.

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2024 technology trends: What you need to know

The world of IT is abuzz with new technologies that promise a new way of life. From quantum computers to solar electric vehicles to robot-assisted surgery, there’s plenty of innovations to get excited about. However, not all advances in technology will be relevant to you.

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