Using Pinterest to market your SMB

Many small- and medium-sized businesses are abandoning traditional marketing methods in favor of social media platforms, and for good reason. Take Pinterest, for example, whose latest product “DIY Promoted Pins” allows businesses to promote their Pins to increase click-throughs, improve reach, and potentially drive more website traffic.

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A beginner’s guide to Snapchat for business

The 21st century is the age of social media, with a plethora of outlets available, users are spoilt for choice. Business owners are faced with the same dilemma, between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and about thirty more – which one should they invest in? It’s important that the platform is simple, interactive, and touches base with […]

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Switch up marketing tactics with IG stories

Behind the application is the business, and behind the business is the need to drive revenue. With Stories, Instagram aims to capitalize on their platform and the enormous consumer reach it has — an impressive following of over 600 million monthly active users.

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LinkedIn Alumni improves how you network

Aside from having an up-to-date LinkedIn profile, there seems to be more waiting around than getting job interviews or receiving promotions. Why so? You’ve given all the relevant information needed to land a job, or to convince your boss that it’s time for you to step up the corporate ladder — but what else is […]

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Instagram and its corporate benefits

“Double-tapping” is a phrase used to describe the liking of photos on Instagram, as a business you’d want to get as many double-taps as you can, but how? Should you invest in buying followers or start an excavation project in search of the genie lamp your parents buried in the backyard? Before breaking out the […]

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