Why managed IT services are a better option for SMBs than hiring more internal staff

Why managed IT services are a better option for SMBs than hiring more internal staff

As technology becomes more central to business needs, so does the need for qualified IT staff. Unfortunately, many small businesses find the cost of adding new staff and software a burden on their budget. Other issues arise in terms of business continuity, cybersecurity expertise, and overall flexibility. Seeing how a managed IT service provider can help you just makes good business sense.

According to Research and Markets, the managed service market is expected to grow to over $250 billion by the year 2022. As more small businesses embrace information technology as part of their business process, effective IT management becomes increasingly important. While some businesses will be tempted to build an internal IT support team, there are many excellent reasons to consider outsourcing your IT support needs to a managed IT service.  

Continuous coverage

At first glance, it seems like having an internal IT technician on hand takes care of immediate coverage should problems arise. But that does not take into consideration problems that occur after hours or during weekends and holidays.

Managed IT support services offer coverage that spans 365 days a year, 24 hours, and seven days a week – at a shared recurring cost versus paying staff overtime. If your system relies on uninterrupted system access for customers and staff for ordering, billing, or more, you need someone available to fix problems whenever they arise. Continuous support means that issues are efficiently handled as soon as they appear. Letting the managed IT team monitor and support your systems frees you to concentrate on business management and growth.

Managed IT services are easier on the budget

Payroll for one or more qualified IT professionals can easily add up to some serious money. Then throw in expenses for insurance, taxes, office space, and benefits and you could be using a generous portion of your IT budget on personnel alone. A managed IT service provider costs significantly less and without all of the extra overhead expense.

At most, hiring an IT service provider may result in some additional spend to align your systems with your workload. But the total outlay still comes to much less than hiring, setting up and managing internal staff and resources. This option frees your IT budget for you to invest in improved hardware, software, and network services that support your business plans.

Constant monitoring for cyber threats

According to Symantec’s 2018 Internet Security Report, cyber attacks have been consistently on the rise with crypto jacking, in particular, increasing by 8,500 percent! Even the most vigilant internal IT specialist would find it daunting to keep up with all possible attack profiles and system vulnerabilities.

Managed IT services tend to have greater resources at their disposal in the form of personnel, experience, monitoring software, and access to constant security updates. A managed IT services agreement may specifically include software patching to repel cyber attacks and close security holes. It may also cover overall system or software updates with more robust anti-hacking defenses.

Furthermore, a managed IT service provider is in an excellent position to conduct continuous system monitoring that will detect suspicious activity and flag it for further review – or simply stop it before any damage or threat to data occurs.

Scalability for your SMB’s unique needs

As your business changes and grows, its needs also change. Adjusting to these changes can be expensive and time-consuming – especially if you’re not certain how best to proceed. With managed IT services at your side, you can rely on proven expertise to adjust the services to match your needs without unnecessary or redundant operations.

Updating or changing your IT plan can be as simple as a phone call. An efficient managed IT service provider is well prepared to handle these changes quickly and efficiently, while you run your business with little to no interruption in network function.

Furthermore, the expertise of a managed IT service partner can guide not only how best to create and use your IT infrastructure but also how to anticipate future needs for your organization. Working together, you can keep your SMB on the cutting edge and deliver the very best experience for your customers.

Managed IT services deliver solutions for SMB IT

When planning the next stage of your business’s development, IT management may play a larger role in your business’s success. Much depends on how you fill your IT management needs. You could go internal, you could hire out, or you could go for some combination. Considering the many benefits of managed IT services could mean the difference between failure and success.

Looking for a Managed IT Services Provider?

OutsourceIT is the leading Managed IT Services Provider in Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina. Our team of certified, experienced IT professionals work together to deliver premium services using best-in-class technologies and industry-leading best practices. Contact us now.

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