Spring clean your data: Declutter and secure your business information

Ever-growing volumes of data is a challenge every business has to contend with in the modern era. From customer information to financial records and operational documents, you’re likely having to generate and store terabytes of data every day. Managing and tracking this data effectively is crucial for maintaining security, compliance, and operational efficiency.

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Greener IT: Sustainable practices to reduce your business’s carbon footprint

Green IT and sustainable business practices are top priority these days, and for good reason: the climate crisis threatens everyone, and overspending on energy while running unsustainable operations is just bad for business. By transitioning to more environmentally friendly business practices and energy-efficient IT, you can not only help our planet, but also preserve capital […]

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VoIP in healthcare: Transforming patient communication

If you’re in the healthcare industry, no one has to tell you how important good communication is to running a successful practice and improving patient outcomes. Clear, streamlined communication not only improves your operational efficiency but also patients’ overall satisfaction and positive perception of your care.

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Optimizing VoIP quality of service: Tips for clear and reliable calls

If you’re familiar with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), you’ve probably heard how it’s cost effective, how it’s feature-rich, and how it enables you to both streamline communications and enhance customer interactions. While those are all excellent benefits, none of them help you if you can’t hear the other person.

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VoIP integration with CRM: Enhancing customer interactions

Integrating Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology with customer relationship management (CRM) solutions presents a powerful opportunity for you to enhance customer interactions, streamline communication processes, and drive business growth. After all, even with the dominance of texting and chatbots, many people still just want to speak to a person, especially when experiencing an IT […]

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Testing your disaster recovery plan: Why, when, and how

Practice makes perfect as the saying goes, and when it comes to getting your business back up and running after a disaster, perfection is the goal. Every second wasted after a disaster strikes affects your revenue and makes it harder to bounce back, so ensuring your disaster recovery plan goes off without a hitch just […]

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Data backup and compliance: Navigating regulatory requirements

Any business that handles the private data of customers — and in some cases, employees — is subject to data security regulations. These laws and guidelines not only govern how you transmit and share this data, but also how you store it. Data backups are a particularly sticky subject, as storing confidential information on external […]

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Common data loss scenarios and how to avoid them

Data loss events are costly for businesses. They’re also, unfortunately, common occurrences due to there being so many things that can compromise your servers and drives. The good news is that these data loss scenarios — along with the associated losses in revenue and productivity, not to mention compliance penalties — can be avoided by […]

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