We believe business technology exists for one reason—to help you achieve your goals. We also believe one way to make that happen is by freely sharing our expertise with others.

Whether you’re one of our clients or not, feel free to make use of the resources below. They’re free, they’re reliable, and they’re here just for you.


Cybersecurity tips for social media users

Most businesses nowadays lean heavily on their social media presence to augment their marketing and advertising efforts. But social media is not without its dangers. Internet crime is on the rise, and cyberattackers are finding novel ways to exploit the growing online footprint of many companies.

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How to leverage technology to increase efficiency

Successful businesses make technology work for them, not the other way round. When used correctly, technology can make every task much easier to accomplish. So if you’re looking to increase staff efficiency, incorporate technology into your daily operations with the following methods.

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Use these tips to stay safe on Facebook and Twitter

Never let your guard down when you’re on social media! Malicious hackers are becoming better at stealing your personal information, so keep these reminders and tips in mind to remain safe while you’re on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Lock screens exist for a reason Always lock all your devices as soon as you stop […]

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3 Questions to ask before replacing your servers

Your company’s servers will eventually need to be replaced. To conserve and maximize your resources, you need to anticipate the best time to do this, as well as consider alternatives that offer the same — if not better — outcomes for your business.

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The biggest ransomware attacks of 2020 and what we can learn from them

Ransomware is still a surging threat to businesses of all sizes — not even small enterprises are immune from the risk. However, by studying ransomware attacks on other organizations, you can develop good internet hygiene habits and robust data policies that effectively protect your business from ransomware operations.

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What are the different Microsoft 365 plans and what are their features?

Microsoft 365’s plan segmentations are complicated, so here’s a simple primer on what to expect with each suite. This article should provide you with enough information to decide which Microsoft 365 plan is ideal for your business. Information workers or frontline workers? Microsoft 365 is the obvious choice if you’re running cloud-based business systems, but […]

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6 Tips for keeping organizational unity up — even if not everyone is in the office

Building organizational unity can be tricky these days, as many companies are embracing work from home arrangements and satellite office setups. Non-office-based workers are at a clear disadvantage, as their physical absence from the office means they miss out on integral workplace social interactions that are necessary to build relationships and strengthen teamwork.

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Improve your productivity with these Chrome extensions

Google Chrome is the most popular and most used browser in the world. And because of its unparalleled speed, user-friendly interface, and powerful performance, it’s also touted as the best. But did you know that the Chrome Web Store is full of extensions you can install to add extra features to your browser? If you’re […]

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Why marketing automation should be a top priority for SMBs

It can be challenging for small- to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) with limited resources to get their marketing efforts off the ground, but marketing automation can help them gain a competitive edge and achieve success easier. By automating repetitive tasks and marketing more effectively on multiple online channels, you save money and provide a better experience […]

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Cloud migration can be an intimidating and a complex endeavor. Download our eBook, Get Ready to Take Flight: How Your Business Can Achieve a Successful Cloud Migration to learn best practices and get started on the right foot.Get your FREE copy here!