You may have heard of the terms intrusion detection system (IDS) and intrusion prevention system (IPS) when setting up your cybersecurity. For most non-IT folks, both terms sound similar, but there’s an important distinction between the two. The main difference is that an IDS monitors network activities, while an IPS controls traffic.
What is the difference between an IDS and an IPS?
The best backup solutions for remote offices
Remote work is here to stay, but reaping its benefits comes with unique challenges that must be addressed to keep risk to an acceptable minimum. Some of these challenges also apply to branch offices, many of which don’t have adequate data protection controls in place.
How to be proactive with your cyber defenses
It is good to have an IT team and/or a third-party partner like a managed services provider (MSP) that helps keep your company protected against cyberthreats. It is even better to have all stakeholders be involved in preventing data breaches. Here’s how everyone can be proactive when it comes to cybersecurity.
5 Best practices for securing PHI
Protected health information (PHI) includes personal, medical, and financial information, as well as other data created or used when a patient sought and received healthcare services. Due to the sensitive nature of PHI, it is highly valuable to hackers — and this is why your healthcare organization must do everything possible to protect any PHI […]
Tips on how to choose the right mouse
Have you been feeling some discomfort in your mouse-clicking hand lately? Have you been using that mouse for several years now? If you have, then it’s time to consider a computer mouse upgrade. Your mouse should allow you to work safely with ease and efficiency.
Microsoft 365 features that prevent phishing
Over the years, Microsoft has built a reputation as a provider of powerful and intuitive tools that enhance efficiency and productivity. The company is also continuously taking steps to protect their users from today’s top cyberthreats. A great example of this is Microsoft 365, which is well equipped to combat phishing scams.
Optimizing website images for SEO
Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are often tempted to relegate their search engine optimization (SEO) analyses to the free reports offered by online platforms like WordPress and Google Analytics. Unfortunately, those reports rarely provide the details you need to improve your SEO. One of the things they tend to glaze over is image optimization.
Here are 4 ways your business can get ahead of the tech curve
The key to finding competitive advantage is by embracing innovation. So no matter how trivial or whimsical a technological development may seem, you’ll want to keep an open mind about what it can do for you. But for a small company, what does “embracing innovation” actually entail? Read on to learn more.
Here’s why you need a VPN and how to choose one
Installing antivirus software and using strong passwords are no longer considered the bare minimum in cybersecurity. With your online activities transparent to internet service providers, third parties, and hackers alike, it’s important to keep your information secure and private by using a virtual private network (VPN). Here’s why.