What recent tech fads has your SMB dismissed as silly? 3D printing, internet of things…Pokémon GO? Juvenile as they may seem, these trends helped a lot of businesses make money. Navigating them may seem like a lost cause, but with the right know-how, you can earn profits by exploiting current tech trends.

Cash in on tech trends with these 5 tips

How business continuity plans can fail
Just because your IT provider has a plethora of awards and certifications under its belt doesn’t mean that you can blindly hand over your business’s future to them. Often times, there are some aspects in your business continuity plan that tend to be overlooked by your provider.

Why businesses need web monitoring
The internet is indispensable for improving business productivity, but it’s also an outlet for procrastination. With unfettered access to the internet, it’s easy to stray away from your important work responsibilities. Fortunately, web monitoring can ensure your employees don’t overuse non-work-related sites.

Tips on adding value to your business data
Data is incredibly valuable. The more of it your business generates, the easier it is to predict market and customer behaviors. Analytics solutions aren’t always the right fit for small businesses, but that doesn’t mean their data isn’t valuable.

Tips to reduce risks after a security breach
No company is completely safe from data breaches. For proof, look no further than companies like Yahoo, AOL, and Home Depot, which compromised millions of personal customer information. That said, no business is completely helpless, either. The following steps can minimize the risks to your business in the event of a large-scale data breach.

Highlights from the Apple WWDC 2018
Apple’s yearly Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) has come to a close. Engineers from Apple met and exchanged ideas with developers in the event, while consumers looked forward to updates on existing products and news about future innovations. Here are the highlights that stole the show.

Should you worry about the new IoT malware?
A malware infection is one of the worst things that could happen to your Internet of Things (IoT) devices. But some users don’t even know there are IoT-targeted attacks that threaten computers, networks, and data. Rebooting an IoT device is a simple way to remove malware, but for those already infected with the latest strain, […]

The dangers of app overload in businesses
Apps are supposed to make life easier in the workplace. But if you use too many of them working at one time, things can get messy. This is a familiar problem in many small businesses that rely on several apps and software for daily operations. The confusion drains funds and reduces employee productivity, as a […]

AI-powered advances in customer support
High-quality products and services can make a business successful, but exceptional customer service is what makes customers come back. This is why companies constantly try to innovate their customer service strategy — and some do it by adding artificial intelligence (AI) into the mix.